( cosplay , : costume+play, ) , , Facebook.
, . 15 2016 , Facebook.
15. / Jinx Kittie Katarina
, Pax 2013. , . League of Legends.
14. / Lindsay Elyse Zero Suit Samus
, , Twitch. , , , , Facebook , Twitch 100 , , Metroid. , .
13. 23 / Leeanna Vamp X23
6 . , . , . X23 Marvel 2016 .
12. / / Tahnee Harrison Suicide Squad Harley Quinn
, . , , , , , , , .
11. / Nathan Deluca Doom Guy
. Mass Effect, . , , .
10. / Vampybitme Nico Robin
, , . 2010, 265 . Facebook. . , .
9. 2 / Lisa Lou Who Injustice 2 Harley Quinn
2012 220 000 Facebook. Patreon. 2.
8. D.Va / Miyuki Cosplay Overwatch D.Va
, , D.Va Overwatch , . Final Fantasy League of Legends. , Facebook.
7. / : / OddKittenKay Kidagakash Nedakh from Atlantis: The Lost Empire
: , . 2016 Reddit Tumblr. , .
6. / Heather Leet Ewok
, , 320 000 Facebook . , , .
5. / Jessica Nigri Nidalee
4,5 , . Patreon, , . , , League of Legends, - .
4. / / Brosephdavid Suicide Squad Joker
, , . . Instagram 90 . . , .
3. World of Warcraft / Jessica Nigri DeathWing
World of Warcraft. , . , .
2. / / - / Anna Faith Mary Jane Spider-Man
20- - -, , . . , , -.
1. / Luna Lanie Vampirella
, , . , , 2016 . ? , .

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