Lineage 2
Lineage 2: Goddess of Destruction

Lineage 2: Goddess of Destruction

Lineage 2 >>>
Lineage 2
12+ ,
 Lineage 2: Goddess of Destruction

Lineage 2 Goddess of Destruction

Lineage 2 Goddess of Destruction , MMORPG. , 85 99.


. . . PK, . 7 .

Goddess of Destruction 85 . R99, R R95. Requiem () Immortal, Apocalypse () Twilight, Spectre Seraph, Amaranthine Eternal.

. , . NPC. , .

: Vista / Windows7 32bit/64 bit
: Intel Core i7 920
: 4 GB RAM
: GeForce 8600 GT / Radeon HD2600 XT
Direct X: DirectX 9.0c
: 30 GB .

Lineage 2


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